Tuesday, April 20, 2010

eSingularity "education 3.0 autonomous learning (tm)"

Recently I presented at Barcamp Orlando and Sarasota. Both times I talked about education 3.0 the paradigm shift it will bring about. So what is education 3.0, the education singularity or eSingularity for short?  What will cause it and when will this moment happen? The paradigm shift that has to happen is this... we must view school and formal teaching as accessories to learning and not requirements for it. That shift is happening in the "At Home" movement that is sweeping across the US.  But the real innovation is set for Asia because the reality is they have an education crisis, not a problem like in the West. They can't build the needed schools or train enough teachers not meet current demand let alone future demand. So what is Education 3.0? It's a transition in to autonomous learning (tm).  Whats autonomous learning it is when a device becomes both your school and teacher. The iphone can become an autonomous learning device using Siri software. I should be able to tell Siri software what app I want and it should deliver it to me. It should also take into consideration my age and learning ability by asking and me responding to some simple questions. The age for autonomous learning is just around the corner and with it, provide the right folks develop it, eSingularity can happen. The opportunity is to make all learning free and accessible to all by funding the eSingularity Prize for Autonomous Learning that seeks to bring about 1000s of autonomous education solutions for a new global education paradigm that is built on multimedia content delivered and aggregated on wikitube.tv.

We are a nexus and the e3o-Tsunami or e3o-Sputnik headed our way will be far bigger in impact than 1000 industrial revolutions because it will mean for the first time human history that education becomes a natural right afforded to all and not just a few!

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