Friday, July 3, 2009

The Future of Education... e3.0

So many say we are blinded by the speed technology is developing and we cant see where education is headed... as we try to focus in on the details we fail to see the big picture. But if only we took a step back and looked it would become pretty obvious. And I want to share it with you.

So what is eduction 3.0? In the simplest of terms, think of the education system as a power grid or in this case an instructional grid, where every participant plugs into it or doesn't. In the current 1.0 educations system all plugs are independent doing their own thing, its an inefficient system where no one knows whats going on with each plug: Is it getting enough current? is it even plugged in? is overloaded? or about to go into meltdown? Now imagine if all the plugs were data linked to an intelligent instructional grid via the Cloud (Internet). Hmm...

You know, our conventional plugs haven't changed for 100 years; in essence education plug hasn't changed in over 3000. Just as we will see intelligent plugs coming onto the market, the emergence of e3.0 is inevitable and comes down too just building the plug. Everything else is already in place. My goal is to promote the vision of a global intelligent distributed learning network--e3.0; raise awareness and support for it, and ultimately partner with others to build the plug. Join the e3.0 revolution -- change the world.

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